TMS – Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

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TMS Treatment

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a safe, effective treatment for depression, OCD, PTSD, anxiety and other mental illnesses. TMS treatment (or ‘TMS therapy’) uses magnetic pulses, similar to an MRI, to stimulate brain function and cause the brain to develop new neural pathways. These new pathways give the brain the ability to overcome the negative effects of major depression, OCD, anxiety, PTSD, and other illnesses.

Patients who undergo TMS treatment report a 75% success rate in achieving significant alleviation of symptoms and a 51% success rate in achieving remission of symptoms – an astounding success rate.

Your care provider at Serenity may recommend TMS treatment if you have tried other methods – such as anti-depressant medication or talk therapy – without success. TMS may be prescribed by itself or in conjunction with medication or ketamine treatment, another proven treatment for alleviation of symptoms of depression, OCD, anxiety, PTSD, or other mental illnesses.

The goal of TMS treatment is to help you take back your life from the negative, life-impacting symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD), overwhelming anxiety, OCD, or PTSD.

How TMS Therapy Works

“The best way I can explain how TMS works is that when you are depressed, not only do you have less energy, but the cells in your brain are tired, too. Those same cells are the carriers for chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, so when you are depressed, it’s hard to be happy because those chemical-carrying cells are dragging their feet and not moving throughout the brain effectively. The magnetic pulses from Deep TMS give them a little extra energy, allowing chemicals to be carried throughout the brain the way they should be.”

Dr. Brian Nyberg, Serenity Psychiatrist

Deep TMS works by using magnetic fields (similar to those used in an MRI) in repetition to stimulate or calm nerve cells that are not functioning properly. Each treatment is administered to a specific, targeted area of the brain such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex or the medial prefrontal cortex. The area of the brain targeted depends on each patient’s clinical situation. Multiple brain areas may be targeted over the course of treatment.

TMS treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

How is TMS Therapy Administered?

During a TMS therapy session, a helmet that contains an electromagnetic coil is placed over your head. Magnetic pulses (not electric current!) are delivered through the coil to stimulate neurons in the area of the brain associated with the mental illness you are being treated for.

TMS is typically administered in five sessions per week, with each session lasting 20 to 30 minutes long. TMS treatments are an outpatient procedure performed right in our clinics. TMS is painless and drug-free, so you can immediately drive, return to work, or conduct other activities after the session is finished.

What are the Side Effects of TMS Treatment?

TMS is well-tolerated and has no systemic side effects, making it an extremely safe medical procedure. Patients may experience minor, short-term side effects such as mild headaches, a slight tingling in the scalp, or facial twitching.

Headaches are the most common side effect reported. These are brief, mild, and easily treated with over-the-counter pain relievers. Patients who do experience headaches report that the headaches diminish in both occurrence and intensity after the first treatment, so if it does occur, don’t let a headache discourage you from continuing treatment!

Is TMS Therapy Covered By Insurance?

Short answer: Yes!

Long answer: TMS therapy is FDA-approved as a treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Most major insurance companies will cover TMS for people with a diagnosis of MDD or OCD who have tried and failed with other treatment options, such as antidepressant medication or counseling. The requirements for insurance coverage vary by insurance carrier.

The easiest way to see if your plan covers TMS treatment is to talk with one of our insurance experts. Our team of insurance experts can help you determine your benefit coverage and will even handle the entire insurance authorization process for you.

We want you to have a stress-free experience at Serenity and will do everything we can to help you receive the treatment you need.

Request a Psychiatric Consultation

If you are interested in TMS as a treatment for depression or other mental health condition, contact us for information about our mental health centers in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Texas, and Utah.

Our Patient Relations team will answer your questions and help you schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist at your nearest Serenity location. Call 1-844-692-4100 or send us a message using the form on this page. We look forward to helping you TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE!

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