Ketamine Treatment

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Ketamine IV Infusion Therapy

Ketamine is a highly effective treatment for overwhelming depression, anxiety, PTSD, or thoughts of self-harm. Ketamine, also known as ketamine infusion therapy or ketamine IV treatment, is renowned for its ability to bring a rapid reduction in symptoms, with many patients noticing a marked improvement within 24 hours of first treatment.

Your care provider at Serenity may recommend ketamine treatment to bring about rapid alleviation of symptoms and as a supporting treatment to use in conjunction with other treatments, such as TMS.

Serenity offers ketamine infusions to patients in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Texas, and Utah, as a fast-acting treatment option for depression, anxiety, PTSD and other conditions.

How Ketamine Treatment Works

Originally used as a surgical anesthetic, ketamine has emerged in recent years as a highly effective depression drug for many, particularly those who have not responded well to traditional antidepressants and other treatments.

Ketamine provides a short-term remission of symptoms in many patients, with about 85 percent of our patients experiencing substantial improvement of symptoms after ketamine treatment, with many patients experiencing relief within hours of first treatment.

Ketamine’s fast-acting results likely have to do with the fact that it affects a different part of the brain than normal antidepressant medications. Studies have shown that ketamine temporarily blocks the brain receptors known as NMDA receptors, which are damaged by mental illnesses like depression. This temporary blockage functions similarly to hitting a reset or refresh button, which, in turn, triggers these receptors to resume normal function.

Ketamine treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

How are Ketamine Infusions Administered and How Long Do They Take?

When being used as a treatment for mental illness, ketamine is administered one of two ways- either as a nasal spray or in a small dose which is administered by IV. At Serenity, we administer ketamine by infusion so we can better regulate the amount in the patient’s system at any given time, reducing risk of side effects. Ketamine infusion therapy is a simple procedure conducted under close medical supervision of a licensed practitioner. The procedure time varies by individual, but a typical ketamine appointment will last between one and two hours. Ketamine infusions are typically recommended as a course of up to six treatments administered over a two week period of time.

The patient is placed in a relaxing atmosphere and receives the medication as an intravenous infusion. The practitioner monitors the patient’s treatment experience to ensure comfort and safety at all times. Patients are welcome to bring a book to read, headphones to listen to music, or even a sketchbook to draw art in during the infusion if they so choose.

What are the Side Effects of Ketamine?

There are no known long-term side effects of ketamine. Ketamine is well known to be a very safe drug that is used around the world as a safe surgical anesthetic. In some cases ketamine can cause feelings of drowsiness or nausea, but once the ketamine has completely left your system, you shouldn’t feel any lasting effects. If a patient does start to feel sick or uneasy, the provider or infusion nurse can reduce the drip rate to ensure optimal comfort for the patient.

What is the Cost of Ketamine Treatments and is it Covered By Insurance?

At this time, ketamine delivered by infusion has not received FDA approval, despite infusion therapy being safer and more controlled than nasal spray delivery. As a result, ketamine infusion therapy is offered only as a cash pay treatment. However, because Serenity believes that everyone deserves the pinnacle of high quality care regardless of financial standing, we offer flexible payment plans to patients who need them. If you would like to discuss the price of ketamine infusion please reach out to us at (844) 692-4100.

What Else Do I Need to Know About My Ketamine Treatment?

If you are starting ketamine infusions, it is important you plan on getting a ride home. Since ketamine can cause drowsiness and disorientation, you should not drive after an infusion. You’re more than welcome to have a friend or family member stay with you in the ketamine room while you’re receiving your infusion, or if you prefer, our staff can also make arrangements for you to receive an Uber or Lyft ride home.

You can eat and drink on the day of your appointment, but should try not to eat for about an hour before your infusion if possible.

Check with your doctor to make sure it is safe for you to receive ketamine infusions if you are on other psychotropic medications.

Request a Free Consultation about Ketamine Treatments

To find out if this alternative mental health treatment option is right for you and to learn all about ketamine treatments for persistent depression, anxiety, PTSD or other mental health disorder, fill out the form below and one of our Patient Care Coordinators will contact you to answer any questions you may have and help you schedule an appointment.

To get help now, call our Patient Relations team at 1-844-692-4100 to find the nearest ketamine treatment center in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, Texas, or Utah.

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